Arbtron® Investment Group, Inc. specializes in acquiring off-market income-producing Commercial Real Estate (CRE) properties. The Corporation accepts Funding from any number of Financial resources from Conventional Lenders like Commercial Banks, Savings & Loans, Commercial Mortgage brokers or Mortgage Bankers, Insurance Companies & Pension Funds, as well as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) and other private Individuals, Equity Partners, Hard Money lenders and other Financial Institutions which provide Financing for Commercial Investment projects.
Arbtron® Group generally secures additional funding from its network of Associates or Investors who pool resources(partnership) or form a syndication to close the Investment deals. In some cases, Investment Projects require additional capital secured or made available conventional loans or options from long- or short-term, conduit, SBA, U.S. Government agency loans, and Bridge or Mezzanine Loans. The Company can use Self-Directed IRAs to buy Commercial Real Estate from a reported $ 4.2 Trillion IRA Funds provided that IRA Funds used to purchase comply with IRS guidelines.
Arbtron® Use of Capital Stacking to Structure Financing for Commercial Real Estate from Multiple Sources:
Arbtron® use of these multiple sources of Capital is typically structured into Four components of capital stacking based on the potential Risk and Return on the investment. Common Equity, Preferred Equity, Mezzanine Debt, and Senior Debt are components.
The Common and/or Preferred Equity investors are positioned at the top of the stack, offering the highest Risk and the largest Returns because of the amount of Equity Invested. The Mezzanine debt is a Secondary debt that normally bridges the gap between the Equity and the Senior Debt. Senior Debt often is a loan from a Bank or a conventional Lender and carries the Lowest Risk and Return. If the loan defaults, the Senior Debt or lender gets paid first based on the structure of the Loan.
Most often, the selected type of conventional or unconventional loans would typically be based on the Selective use of the loan as it pertains to the Commercial Investment property and our well-planned exit strategy, the Interest Rate & terms of the loans by the lender, and projected investment assessment of the Commerical contingencies with regards to the overall cost associated and the repayment cycle to both the Investor the cost of getting out of the loan while remaining profitable by restructuring the terms of the loan.